Day Drinking Kansas City – Cocktails in the Heart of America
A quick Sister Trip to check some boxes
Peggy is in the home stretch of getting to all 50 states, and this trip to Kansas City covered two of her remaining eight: Kansas and Missouri.
We had a tough time in our Google search for interesting things to do, and experiences to be had, we also had a limited amount of time.
Don’t get us wrong. KCMO (that’s the cute acronym for Kansas City Missouri, if you didn’t know) is a fantastic little big city, with gorgeous architecture and a history ripe with mobster and prohibition stories. And we had a wonderful time. But you do not come to Kansas City with high hopes of fun and magical escapades.
Kansas City is nicknamed The Heart of America due to its location about 250 miles from the geographical and population center of the United States. It is known for BBQ, Jazz and the Chiefs. It’s not necessarily an adventurer’s paradise, or a hub of activity. So we might as well see what this place has to offer in the drinking category. Who would we be if we didn’t?
Sister Side Note (ssn) – while we had a fantastic time enjoying this list of Kansas City bars, we were there on Sunday & Monday nights and there were a few at the top of our must-visit list that were not open until Tuesday. Very disappointing but I think we made the most of it.
And off we go to begin with breakfast
We started our day at Tribe Street Kitchen.
It was in walking distance to our hotel, and a TikTok mentioned breakfast shots. Seems like where you should begin a day drinking excursion: solid food and breakfast shots.
The Topless Chicken Sandwich with chorizo gravy was amazing. The biscuit was light, buttery, and fluffy. They gave me the KC hot sauce on the side, and I loved it. The bar was comfortable and warm, the staff was super friendly. And yes, the breakfast shots (Jameson and Butterscotch served with an OJ back, in case you were wondering) were worthy of the hype. Plus mimosas are available by the carafe in orange, pineapple, cranberry, or grapefruit.
ssn – I had the “Morning After Bowl” – breakfast potatoes with KC hot gravy, chorizo and eggs. So good! The staff was so friendly and even put the Seahawks game on tv for us.

Little walking does a body good
The server at Tribe recommended we hit up City Market, an outdoor shopping area more like a farmer’s market combined with a craft show.
However, it was cold, as it tends to get in Kansas City in November, so we kept walking. Not much was open at the market this time of year.
And that led us to Harry’s Country Club. A fantastic dive bar, playing old Waylon and Willie, offering an amazing selection of whiskeys.
We opted for a one and done breakfast shot. And we are off to explore with a little warmth in our bellies to combat the cold air.

A little cold, but a beautiful walk
We headed back to the hotel for a little freshening up before hitting up our neighbors to the south, John’s Big Deck. The city is mostly brick buildings, with fantastic architectural features and old style charm, so the walk was interesting with a lot of looking up and thankfulness for not a lot of hills. They’ve done an amazing job of keeping the older buildings repurposed for a truly charming downtown.
But on to The Big Deck
How do you not get excited about a big deck?
John’s is three floors, with a huge deck up top, which is enclosed for the winter. Turns out the deck didn’t even open until 4. So after a little peach vodka we decided it was best is we moseyed along as the next Dive bar was opening at 3:00 and was less than a mile away so we could walk.

The Zoo
The place that made Harry’s look downright fancy in dive bar comparison. This is old school, sharpie-covered graffiti walls, amazing stickers and pictures, and ugly ripped up bar stools. One side has pool tables, the other side just a bar and a lot of stools, maybe a few tables along the wall. Nothing fancy, or looking to be themed, just a good old fashion dive bar.
Behind the bar is Mama Bear. You know this from a sign that informs you Mama Bear Makes the Rules. Just an amazingly lovely little lady, who happily shared with us the 40 year history of The Zoo, and made sure we found some sharpies. The only rule is to not mark up the bar top or any of the rented equipment.
We made sure a #sisbehaving sticker made it onto the index box by the cash register.
Yes, I said Cash Register.
The Zoo is a cash only facility, with an ATM at the back.
A couple regulars stumbled in got a roll of quarters and two cans of Budweiser without having to ask. Another regular came in and stood at the end of the bar, clearly a friend of Mama Bear.

And this is where the Pocket Ribs happen!!!
On the way out, I ask the guy at the end of the bar where the best BBQ in KC was, he listed off a couple of “people say you should go to. . .” and as Peggy is getting in the Lyft I say “ok, but where do YOU go for BBQ?” He says he doesn’t eat any but his own, “do you want to try some?”
Well, fuck yeah, I want to try some.
And this is where I get into the Lyft with my own aluminum foil pack of ribs from his little bag sitting on the table next to the bar. (I think he brought Mama a little afternoon snack or something, because he had a couple of bags full of food.) I absolutely just walked out of a Dive Bar with some strangers homemade KC-style ribs in a foil packed wrapped in a grocery bag.
And I now have a pocket snack to take with us on our journey.

But we are on our way to The Monarch, so let’s go there
The Monarch came recommended by our hotel staff (super cute, I put a comment in the notes section when I made a reservation that we needed good bar recommendations this was on their list).
The Monarch was just gorgeous. A themed butterfly bar, gorgeous white and cream and elegant.
And we burst in to this lovely place, giggling madly about my pocket ribs.
We created a bit of a scene, but the bar was almost empty, so it’s all good.

Migratory Butterfly Pattern Menu
The cocktail menu is divided up into regional cocktails based on the migratory patterns of butterflies.
And our first stop that actually has themed craft cocktails.
First round was very successful. My choice was beautiful and sweet, Peggy’s was elegant and warming.
But the second round, ohhhhh the second round was a full triumph. The Steak and Shake, where our bartender, Stephen (who insists that we know he is actually the General Manager) says it is “hands-down” the best drink on the menu. A5 Wagyu Tallow Washed Talisker Scotch Whisky…they infuse their own scotch with the best beef tallow on the planet (so stays Stephen). Umami bitters and black garlic foam, who knew this was even a thing? But IT IS!
Peggy has a beautiful cocktail, which is purply and creamy and was soulfully delicious.
But we’ve been here for two, and we are dying for the Mercury Room. Stephen confirms that this is a don’t miss spot, and is a sister bar to the Monarch, so we should drop his name at the door.

The Mercury Room, and our new best friends
Luckily it’s a Monday night, because we don’t have reservations.
But we also have the ability to name drop “Stephen sent us”, ok, well in honesty, I inform them that Jonathon has sent us, and Peggy very loudly exclaims “who the fuck is Jonathon” and we erupt with laughter. Not exactly the classy first impression, and we are slightly dying over the cheesiness we are feeling at this anyway. Jonathon…Stephen…whatever, both formal and end in an “n” sound
The door guy clears us with the upstairs people, and we are granted elevator access feeling a cross between should we be fist bumping at our status or are they just really putting us on that they weren’t going to let us in. We can’t tell. But we are in.
The Mercury Room is at the top of the building, all lit up with white lights and blue velvet. This is astonishing level of beautiful and we are here for it all, soaking it all in.
ssn – sorry for the language, mom. The Mercury Room was seriously impressive – this would be a standout in any city!

And then we meet Til Death
Never one to pass up conversations with strangers, the couple next to us are fun loving drinkers celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. And clearly know the bartender. So hey, we got regulars, who drink and know things.
Andrew and Liz are super sweet and own a funeral home in nearby Raytown.
And he starts telling us this incredible story of buying this funeral home when they were just 23, coming from a family of funeral directors, etc. And after they take ownership, they find that people keep showing up and asking them where the bar is.
They discover there is a secret bar in the basement, they now have their very own speakeasy in the basement of the funeral home, they only open once a year on Prohibition Repeal Day for a big party.
And we are now sad we won’t be back in KCMO on December 5, as it’s right around the corner and we need absolutely see these people again!
They are our new besties
We start sharing drinks, with the “oh, you gotta try this”, and then swapping bar and travel stories.
Andrew talks to dead people, I read tarot, Peggy’s not white, someone is lying about our parentage (uh, mom, should we talk?).
We swap Instagram follows and swear we will come back and see them again and plan a night out.
ssn – you should go follow them on IG @tildeathkc

ssn – I guess I will have to ssn the drinks because they are sooooo worthy of mention! The drinks were incredible and the bartender, Levi, was a genius. We each had one from the menu then Levi created our second ones based on our likes and a bit of magic. Sorry, we were totally distracted and didn’t get pics of all.

They leave for dinner, we leave to make it to John’s Big Deck, for the big deck and music bingo. . . until we are sidetracked by The Green Lady Jazz Bar.
It’s Iconic
The Green Lady is Iconic. Everyone has told us this. Peggy doesn’t give a rip, but the hotel, the uber driver, Stephen (not Jonathon), all say “it’s an icon”.
And its just up on the next block from the Mercury Room.
So, we cave and go. Because we are here for you, to help you make informed drinking decisions, its the sacrifices we make for our readers.
And it’s Jazzy
There’s a trio playing jazz when we get there, the usual bass, drum, and guitar.
And despite being called The Green Lady, it’s very red. Red and Velvety. Kind of what you would expect from an Iconic jazz bar, I suppose.
Ask me what you drink at an iconic jazz bar. . .
I have no idea. We were many drinks in over about 6 hours, and neither remember nor took photographic proof of a menu.
Our livers have been trained for this, but our phones have not.
One and Done, we gotta get to music bingo by 9.

And the Big Deck is in fact Big
But enclosed with plastic weather insulation, not classy, not good to look at, and you can’t see through it.
But that’s ok, the action is downstairs.
Where we force our new bar neighbors to play bingo with us.
And we suck.
A lot.
It’s a Funk themed first round.
(and now, I’m stuck singing Funky Town, sigh, the things I sacrifice for this blog)
And it’s seriously about halfway through that the bartender informs us that we are allowed to cheat and use Shazam.
Game changes in our direction, but it’s a little too late for round one.
Cheating feels dirty
But by round two, Peggy scores a double bingo and a gift card. So we are ok with being dirty, dirty girls.
I should throw out as a side note, that we realize about this time that we haven’t eaten since a late breakfast, so we split a burger and tots. And the burger was fantastic.
We opted for another round of drinks, probably a mistake, but we are cheaters not quitters.
Mistakes were made.
And after belting out Roam and Oops I did it again, (and I am now completely wondering why we weren’t kicked out and cut off), we decide it is time to call it a night.
ssn – the videos of this unofficial karaoke sesh are not pretty and will not be shared. But we did have a great time as we tip-toed along that border of entertaining and obnoxious. At least in our mind.

Lucky for the Close Stumble Home to the Hotel
I am thankful that I still have those pocket ribs, because it’s now started snowing.
We took a quick cut through the parking lot, and decide we should definitely end our night at The Savoy (our hotel bar) with a night cap.
And this is where you know God is looking out for ya girls, because it’s miraculously closed at midnight.
So, we head for some comfy beds, warm covers, blaring a/c, and some white noise to sleep it off.
ssn – Pocket Ribs are still the source of such hilarity that one of us may have laughed so hard we peed a little in the elevator (for clarity, not actually ON the elevator floor)
What did we miss?
Well, not much in KC, we gave it a good go round, but ended up hitting a few spots in the following days. We also managed an almost sober nightcap at The Savoy at a much early hour. More on that and other fun things we found in our next installation. Stay tuned for that, I’m writing as fast as a hungover girl can.

More in the Day Drinking series:

Mitch - Very Tasty World
Wagyu Tallow Washed Talisker Scotch Whisky? I would never have thought of that as a thing, let alone a delicious thing! Yet another hugely enjoyable read of your day drinking adventures. Glad that it also ticked a couple more boxes for Peggy’s count of states visited.
Big Sister
Thank you for reading!! We had so much fun. That wagyu whiskey was definitely a first.
My list is ticking down!
Bernie and Jess Watt
That sounds like an epic day. I don’t know if my body could endure such a touristic binge but you’ve definitely highlighted some fun places if we ever get to KCMO.
Big Sister
It was such a fun day. We definitely can’t do that very often, haha.
Elena at TravelByExample
What a fun and great day you had! It’s a first time I heard about music bingo – sounds fun 🙂
Travel for a while
What a day! You girls know how to have fun!
Jane - AbFabTravels
A speakeasy in the basement of a funeral parlour? You’re kidding me! You certainly got into the nooks and crannies of KCMO! I love how you made so many friends along your pub crawl! A very entertaining read 😊
Paul (Paul Passing Through)
You know you’re in a good dive bar when a regular brought his or her own food in a bag. You never said, though: Was it good?! All in all, sounds like a great time. It must be fun when you forget to have lunch (no judgment, I’ve been there too often!). Some great looking cocktails at the butterfly place.
Merianne Lero
I’m so happy you made KC a part of your journey! It was amazing getting to spend time with you.
The blog is fantastic!
Unofficial Sis 😉
This such a fun day-drinking guide in Kansas City! Makes for a great walking tour also!