• Las Vegas,  Speakeasies

    Las Vegas Speakeasy Guide – Gambling on the Secret Drinking Scene

    Updated September 2024 plus a Table of Contents! tl;dr: If you want to jump to our Complete List of US Speakeasies, Click here Your favorite sisters are in their element when surrounded by fantastic opportunities for creating our own Las Vegas speakeasy tour. Vegas is an obvious choice when posed with the question, “Where should we go for great drinking options?”. We are dutifully bringing you our Las Vegas Speakeasy recommendations in this post; we will cover Tiki Bars and other drinking spots in a separate post. Las Vegas Speakeasy Boom Secret bars have become more and more common in Vegas, and you would be hard pressed to hit them…

  • Day Drinking,  Reno

    Reno – Biggest Little (Day Drinking) City in the World

    Road Trip, Reno and Rod Stewart…Epic plan, right? Yeah, this was one of those “out-there” ideas we came up with, that turned into a fantastic reality. We decided we needed to see Rod Stewart in concert before there were no more chances left.  And sure, he was playing in Seattle and Denver (near where we each live), but why would we make this an easy night to remember when we could make it an epic weekend?  Rod was playing in Reno the weekend after we had planned to do the North Cascades National Park in Northern Washington State.  So, Peggy could just come home with me, work remotely for the…

  • Las Vegas

    Las Vegas Off Strip – Because Sometimes you Need To Go

    We really wanted more than casino bars and your typical Vegas fare when we decided to do a little remote working. So we had to dig in for this trip and find what you need to know before you go for the fantastic, slightly “extra” experience when doing Las Vegas right. A little Disclosure Peggy and I lived in Vegas in the 90s.  Post college, early baby years, in total we spent about 6 years living out in Summerlin.  We have knowledge of the city from a more-than-a-tourist point-of-view.  It’s been a while, but it did provide us with the comfortability of Las Vegas outside of the Strip. Sister Side…