Meet Patti & Peggy

I’m Patti, your typical wild child, irresponsible younger sibling, in pictures you will know me as the (usually) blonde one. The baby of the family, the light of everyone’s life (shut up, I can write what I want!). I am also married to a wonderfully tolerant man, have 3 almost grown children, and too many animals (that’s what Peggy says, but we all know there is no such thing as too many. . .besides, I don’t even have any chickens YET).
I live in Eastern Washington, work a tedious job for a government contractor counting pennies and worrying about reports. The stress and strain of being tied to a desk led me to yoga, and eventually becoming a yoga teacher.
Now I own my own studio, teach yoga classes, yoga workshops, and lead yoga retreats to help women find themselves, love themselves and create the best version of themselves for themselves. I am a Reiki Master, and am on a constant learning journey into all things Woo Woo, from Tarot card reading to Astrology. I also love cooking, and eating, and planning the cooking and eating parts of our journey. I’m a perpetual optimist and concede to my older sister for all things logical. I’m also a vodka girl, and that is important to know.

I’m Peggy, the older (by 54 weeks) and wiser sister! I have an incredible daughter, Sydni who is married to the love of her life, Austin. Sydni & Austin have given me the love of my life, my grandson, Beckham. I am completely in love with this tiny human.
I am currently living in Colorado and loving it! Except for my true heart (which lives in the Pacific Northwest), Colorado is unbeatable! Now that my nest is empty, I’ve been a voracious traveler whether a weekend exploring or venturing across the world. My real world job is also with a government contractor; it is busy, hectic and demanding. Not to be too cheesy but I embody the saying “Work hard, play harder”.
There’s definitely little bit of gypsy in my soul and find myself unable to resist the next adventure. I am a maker of lists – wish lists, bucket lists, must-see attractions, the hottest restaurants. I love the research and the planning and build itineraries that maximize our experiences. And making Patti do scary things is just a secondary benefit.